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The Parent Power Path Masterclass

“Conscious parenting is all about raising ourselves and not our kids” – Dr. Shefali Tsabary

Let’s face it…parenting does not come with a book. What I have found through coaching teens and young adults is that there are so many things that parents can do to change the dynamics in their household and shift their family’s energy. We like to point fingers at our kids and then beat ourselves up about how we parent. It’s a vicious cycle. Yes, kids may need help in certain areas, but as the parent you can raise their awareness and generate more productive outcomes and solutions. What this masterclass will give you is a fresh perspective on how you look at parenting and give you some great new ideas to implement that will get you more positive results with your family. You will be empowered instead of feeling defeated.

You will learn:

  • How to have a new perspective that helps you navigate parenting easier
  • How to ease conflict and arguments in your household
  • Ways you can help your kids become more independent and empowered
  • How to open the doors to get your kids to communicate more

You will leave with a WIN/WIN scenario…self-development for you and new ways to parent more effectively that will shift your kid’s energy on how they interact with you.

It’s FREE! Come join me!


NEXT MEETING IS November 15th from 7-8PM CST